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Sunday 21 April 2019

Art Exhibition
Word Paintings

From the Author:
  • I have messed with SOV structure.
  • I start without a capital in pieces as if the writing just comes straight from the continuum.
  • Grammar rules are played with, different inferences on certain words for emphasis as to their displacement
  • Concepts are personified
  • Writing is not supposed to have a linear narrative or point, neither is it word salad – it has reference, relevance and meaning. It is to be looked at as if it were an abstract painting, the individual derives their own interpretation.
  • Experimenting with a technique which thus far has proven to work: I use the subconscious as a tool of creativity and revelation. Which means, like Austin Osman Spare1 and his technique of automatic drawing, I ignore the conscious mind, not thinking at all, effectively cutting out the critic and editor of the brain and there from write whatever comes. Sometimes it is just drivel but most of the time it is symbolic and an informative statement. When I'm in this “esoteric” state or a heightened vision to receive higher truths of self I can get stuck with needing a word. My conscious vocabulary can not keep up, I have the word but don't know it. I only know the first two letters and the ending of the word so I use dictionaries, thesauruses and reverse dictionaries and will find the exact word that I am looking for. I guess one could call this process bibliomancy or logomancy or logosophy but I have experimented with these methods and they did not fit what I do.
  • So I have created my own term called “Idlogosurgy”.
  • Id” means the part of the mind where the primary operation or the instinct occurs, “logos” means word and the suffix “urgy” means working of.

Media used in Exhibition : Oxford Concise Dictionary 1911 , Roget’s Thesaurus 1994, Readers Digest Reverse Dictionary 1989
Welcome to


extraordinary loud permanence asserts itself. Wilful change has
abandoned Will. Promotion of sarcophagus reignites into colossal
exposure – a moment merry like a remnant on the end. I
have elegant disgrace shimmied within oblique technique, a
tassel honesty that drafts the vesuvian. Cold and complete,
a cenotaph tackles what could quite well be – if the
marmoreal me would let it. Frightened into subterfuge,
sacrifice, sabotage, the maker rests on fusion parcel,
acquitted, forgiven.


streaking across the landscape an eye looks out like
paintwork, providing and knowing and corrosive. Glyphs sort out
the meaning of the sky, motive and amphitheatre voiced. Focal
point arouses the auriferous torsion, minueting the colours
of chemical way. Long before the internal erupted, the shadows
had refracted on anon and aware of crush beats harlequin, single-
handedly selects a Dog.


musings and shavings pencil across the land. A tramontana plays,
spread out loud and old, a funnel for the dress rehearsal. Charm
bracelets ringing, a message drinking near and soiree stiffens
as limitless glistens and nightmares lead the fray. Truncated
co-ordinates seek shelter under the abyss lying forward in
castration – not knowing which was witch. Solidified like tree stumps,
the remorse of almost over glances back between the bridge, miracles
and armour false laden with alternatives of testudinate and bombastically.
Worse than cause, a minute guest stars as salutiferous
and the wonders why get inebriate, ineluctable. Joyous compages grow tall
amidst the dual – a smoky dedication swipes terminal fluid.


Sometimes we twist where numerology sips and the alternates go
on floor fold. A momentary gloss over an exuberant gain
measures energy like a conundrum. Of always, the most terrific
plain has vagabonds on backwards, and the redux says to
an aperture stance “don't dwell long on the threshold.”
Over the motion, the initiate pluses a significant tinctorial,
pulsing allotment and posting all the times. Of one and
self the mean graph shakes us near, dance and be free for
the select. Out of touch, the finger moves over the
chessboard, not thinking in foresaw again. Alive like
a paradigm, geometric comment gives great pope to
the blood that sits in the vein. Out towards the incline,
an information bibasic sets us off on course, of
course the recline looks simpler. Twenty six a motion to
depart but the cornea looks like referendum. There is
a chorus to lead out over the dusk, but like antimony
its backwards is upwards.


rust folds as night falls, piercing the incision. Remnants
shake a glance at sections composed of illiterate nature surveying.
Totem shape breathes innocence into the incantation, a
timing reassured by phosphene enthralled and graciousness
pianos diction. We collaborate small as intimate guise, a
wormwood curtain for alight, in dreamstate because, landscape
perennial pause as light portraitures conveyance. Grisaille
music fractals on the wind, a guessing game of spirits
tournament. Inside the outside, the monument denouements
in it's rich certain window display. Collected on the sand,
the candles take hint and merrily wait for stairway. In this
just, the rust unfolds and the torturous night intricates.


delivery deceitful and receive, communication a wreck of working
palms crossed over in prayer. Likewise, the satisfaction given
towards harmony of ghostlike trust and tendency grapple,
ignominy and boastful host again. A likeness to trompe with,
oasis as promise; keep time and time keeping a whole different
net. Unavoidable, the explanations triturate, spitting themes
like yesterdays fusion.....all yesterdays in convolution, one and many
as none. Something, like guesses in the carpet, wriggles deep
within the range of sky within the head all is sky when
looked at internally. Catafalque of space, denial
flight, imbued with the bodice of triangulate. Lost of
monsoon again, tripled with the digit of why and accursed


listening to emulsion makes a creak like glittering, forwarded towards
longitude emanation. Into the God, the presence hits as if
singing a great song and we rapture all over the become. Like
a sandal, motion is applied tore apart like feet. In between
the arrow of tourer the lightning fastens it's neck, strikes
and degrees like centring. Before long, a region of impasse
will slay it all away and psyches will bring back conjunction.
Elusive as day, the metamorphic speaks, grown old with the
down of illicit. Orbicular teams move hungry like machines
waiting for angular down tools. And circumferences run like
a nose full of blood, burst inside but feeble. Ruminate
on a loch full of state, the time has dinner close, as fluster
is taken neat, no ice for this drink, the probable luckily
capable. You moved me from a penchant to a say that
life seems lofty up here but like a truck changing gear octophone
transcribes fear into growling, howling fruition.


like a reluctant total, the unmasses unfold as we lunge
again into oblivion. Like a causeway we have driven
between commodity and terror, replicated in resourceful
intent. Like haphazard comma, a recital hits the ewigkeit
and summons a truly awful recompense. So take a glass
and see it fulcrum, perfect in reject to they. Sorted stock
and outlaw lost, the excavate makes ignition.


we are flying into open habitual, the length here dressed in
eye-cones, the consensual moving over to infect. Into
lightning bolt of fruition tiny spots of above spy regal
over the mud into the guessing game of performance over wit,
cost excursion murmurs open portion as dilemma hits the
mailbox. Into the backyard where here will be again, and
information eats old illusion, contaminating its hone fed base.
Into the list of lesser known convince, as compact retreats
from the day and lying back like old school grieves a premature
relapse. Into the escape of lessons taken aback as surgeons
all hold glitter, the matter came of reign inane and ineptitude
meets simpler. Into the lost of reasoning just cause, an
aching plume of remember, while justify left sees right
kept at neck and the face forward takes an innard. Into
the centre that left out the gentler and made a mark upon the essence,
into the grasp that longs just to last, and
intimate body thither, see that it folds like executive
console and hurries away a deliver.


dog-earing the sky, the absolute took never into it's
tether. Open closed, the memory makes time stretched
as far in any way it will go. From now until yesterday
the oration of sinciput carries on over melted mountains, the
exultation gloriously in place. So tomorrow makes juncture
and the heliosis leaves puncture while imbroglio makes all neat.

Tired again, the set upon reject of florid
participants waits until the arc comes again. Informed justly,
a won't because sits on the back steps, hoping for it's
tedium dinner. Such content in such waste, an almost over
conveyance looks to saddle in footnotes again, and the
refurbishment of tangential, sine wave pictographical
alerts forbearance to the frame.


Looking out over portrait sky the seeming belches so thick that gateway dilapidates. A move over to the threshold and one time as many thinks a clocking over the head would be endurable. Bleeding touches thumb technique, a blindly knotted night scape begs technique, unique in it's disposition but no longer beneath. Inertia touches rainbows as the light hits the sound and a granary of sephira escape aloud and reconciled. In meaning such a submission the kind thought drenches in midway, taken aghast at the lover's tenfold and frequent moment glaring. Too much beside the day, the entity grabs alert and stays the emission of deserted highway – another kindly glitch on a backward stark. Spoken like true enemies the meaningful stole of lighthearted touch just keeps on moaning, mowing away a bridge that could defeat. Substance like terminal lightbulb adjusts the calm altitude before a gathering of stars and celebration begins to exact. Across the board chance gathers luck through choice of such and memorises a daemon cascade of soul in teach. A gain gathering trust looks over it's shoulder and toughens out the next few days ahead; whilst threading a new breath with a new death. A moment ago lives gathered with selves replicating themselves in a DNA trail. I can gather, by the look on your space that the emerald dark sits slivered, traced and taken hostage before a trace of epiphanical elements, hardened and zoomed until the portrait sky locks and loads, rebates and kisses. Times like this, she welded, it's times like this..... where it's is infused with a time honoured immense.


Of curse the sextant pointed to a salted wood, a drippy shore, a work of more. The game in the garden lied terrible in wait, hunting the players with glen. In figurative lure the checkmate chanceman was spinning; lucrative and out of control. Colossal tendrils hang as a fringe over the seen, allowing us some part of her aware but still within. Pools of garnish refracting speculum soothe the drifts and holograph the sky, several breasts hang misted in the meridian. Craft of whirlpools sing about the air, a long kiss igniting photosynthesis fire dreaming in the trees. Aeons scattered in the geometrical dust, designed and designated for hearing. The eclipse of nightmare set in the rock, hosted remnant and weaving like capsizing an inbetween, wanting finally to be. Likelihood stares a neighbourhood stare, the lock of four in her note, swallowing strong to swing on a lemniscate branching from the trees, a promise now of the beings all agreed – one was always none and one but forced to be deceived. If doubt is now an entrant then the game will cease to exist; the garden built, entranced, a mere token in the glen, a glimpse at what I told you so, the eight denied to give........live.

Friday 19 April 2019


We are the inverse of a movement, of all attempts at political, artistic or scientific movement. We are nothing to do with you. We are the light that shines through the pines at night. (Michael Fallson)1We live in the in-between. The in verse. The inverse consists of nothing, is for nothing and is from nothing. Nothing is the starting point for all great works. Nothing is a great 'beginning' realm as there exists no pre-determined relation or programming which one can create from. Although creation from those contact points is effective, indeed necessary, it is when one creates “off the top of one's head”, “for no reason at all” or “wasn't thinking of anything” where we find most often that, like a jack-in-the-box the surprise is unwound.

This is tapping in to one’s subconscious through the act of self -observance and Will. We, of course, do not create from nothing, we can't, because whatever occurs is everything, and must be already existing of and because of us, but to the consciousness, in order to create, it all should pose as nothing. IDLOGOSURGY and The Inverse Circle is about nonsense and the prevalence of. Nothing is everything. Nothing is true. Nothing isn't and is permitted. Nothing is for and against. Nothing is right and wrong.

Nonsense is that which makes the most sense. Idlogosurgy concerns the all of nothing. It is the conjunction of that in-between, that which lies in between all that is in-between – that which only the individual and no one else can see, buried as it is amongst ones own infinite. It is universe's reflection in the mirror (as the macrocosm is the microcosm), revealing all that usually lies under the floorboards. It is the true reaction of true concern to
all your bollocks.

The In-Between.

Idlogosurgy is not about sitting on the fence, or ignoring issues that need addressing. In a social frame of decision we wish to stand for that of unchange. Unchange regarded as the inverse of change, the 'something' changed upside-down, from the nothing. Nothing is the abyss of change. We wouldn't be here, ready for unchange if not for there being a change in nothing or The Nothing. The Infinite. Our concern is this: we want to destroy all causes which think they can make a change. In the majority, protesting for change does not work. WE ARE THE IN-BETWEEN of token-caring and social protest. Sudden is where we see change is at, the nightmare of shock where looking back further into ones head the reaction and search combine with the fear borne of unfamiliarity, pain, confusion, and unrecognised known. Here lies the change that is as useful as that in your back pocket – you either really need it or you piss it off to get it out of your way.

We Idlogosurge.
We have no protest. We PROTEST EVERYTHING. We are the act of not acting by the conscious so that the unconscious may act suddenly, violently, hurriedly and informatively. We are the Idlogosurgers who sit and watch and listen. The Invisible Army.
We should be rebelling in the small ways instead of being paralysed in moral outrage and losing ourselves in social media.
We are the artists, poets and musicians who don't consciously react to anything but create from internal response
In accordance with our individual Will. Acting through

We do not protest. Protest creates a lack of concern, the outrage gets diluted when
people get on their soapbox.
We are Magick – that which causes change in conformity to the Will. (Aleister Crowley)2
We are individuals working as a unit.
If we do not protest anything how do Idlogosurgers propose to ignite change?

Self based moral antics ruin true change. People protest, yet we still have Climate Change that has passed the tipping point while Australia's prime minister worships coal. We have Donald Trump reigning president over an idiocracy. Refugees in Manus Island. Greed for oil raping various countries resources and creating refugee situations. Governments pure refusal to spend money on alternative power sources. Monsanto. Big Pharma. Peak oil. Peak food. Rising sea levels. Aboriginal deaths in custody. Racial profiling and racist corporate prison systems in the USA. The great pacific garbage patch. Under 4000 tigers left in the world, yet a dentist can pay to hunt and kill one of the oldest male lions. The lackadaisical care of the great barrier reef. Unlocking national parks for development and razing old world forests. Countries forced into austerity while CEO's take home insane bonuses. Rampant over-population. Neo-imperialism. Neo-conservatism. Neo-liberalism. Resurgent nationalism and jingoism. Incessant and invasive advertising. Nanny states. Corporate globalisation and state dissolution. Entire countries hungry and without water when Kim Kardashian is a one-percenter. The fact that we have one-percenters. The fact that we have a third world. Unreal reality TV. Paramilitary police forces. The politics of fear mongering. THIS ALL STILL EXISTS DESPITE “PROTESTS”.


it's us against them, left vs right, top vs bottom, black vs white, christian vs muslim, - thoughtless moral outrage pulls us in every direction and the centre can no longer hold, so what are we left with? The in between. Out of the in between and the nothing we can make something new.
We reject all context, structure and narrative. We are the spaces in between where you think, between what and where you read. The space in between the 1 and the 0.


In between a place and candy is a narrow foot-path that shows more mounting than anything, so much really that a calling meaning a bolster measured a whole thing with that. A virgin a whole virgin is judged made and so between curves and outlines and real seasons and more out glasses and a perfectly unprecedented arrangement between old ladies and mild colds there is no satin wood shining.
Gertrude Stein3
Idlogosurgists are the space in between the lines of a painting, the angles of a sculpture, the space between the cars, we are in between the moment of an action potentially firing a neuron, in between the synapse accepting, in between atoms of light elements being crushed together to create a new star, in between the volumes of space where we find an electron, in between the ink hitting the page on a printer. We are the space between the atoms that crystal a lattice, in between the desire to desire.
Consciousness, reality and belief are all failure to comprehend truth.

William Blake4

We are against complacency, normality, routine, conservative thought, lack of creativity, order, and are the invisible army that will murder all those who destroy with those acts of terrorism.

You've got time on your hands and it's dirty. Romancing a ladder of information with the card shack emblem on the back of your head, breathing is hard, relaxation impossible. Close the eyes and the white bright dips and twirls, twists and explodes like a champagne pixel polishing a sound. Over head, the chastisement increases, fighting action into neverworld returns, no sign to implement the enlightened one, the satisfied one, the now-ing one. Built commitment into treason what swallows is a trail of refused entry, mapping out old pathways of synapse rivalry. Erosion of commotion in the pages front, the time oiling all touch and stupefying judgement. The belief in a moment exteriorised by not clouding in, focus raging, no parallax for a juncture that wants. The same thought hinders recompense, a memoir of some arrogant whisper tears it all apart again. We will shift here in this weak redefine, even if it is only one sentence, a bleak common reek of equivalency and shortage of troops. In the space of organised hate different bodies will engage, a manifestation of aura opening up the ways of doors and this neural theatre's wings, holding all the might of destruction shall no longer gain further stage.


Nicolee Ferris z3371500

1Fallson M, Beastianity, “Root”, A Praise Dog Production, Australia 1999
2Crowley A, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magick_(Thelema)
3Stein, G, https://www.bartleby.com/140/1.html
4Blake W, https://www.azquotes.com/author/1490-William_Blake

Friday 13 May 2016



So, container forelock
       on a truncated grasp
unlimited worry on a
               one time clash
         if out of need and sanctity
             merriment and employment
you come across sign language
prima facie
breaching inference
and gain comprehend

I mirror jesus to her
see it burn and sinuate
spectrum plectrum
                        unfortunate enter
aft decibal and charismatic

conjugate filter.

Internally and scream wise
we have      in
consistent indelible
in elastic scape of time scale make
                      a static passion vision
a latter viviparous derision
subtle eye-time night
in devil spread
propitious vineline eyern
baseless and man........

un lock.


and interportation
a means ending
in bleep.

N icolee ferris



Lying in wait, a trivial askance knocks over a rug and indemnifies it’s identity. One touch can’t be wishes, but immediately a rotten hope soars through the door and a mask betrays the keeper. Wilting, informal, luscious as above, an instinct pulls soughted, through, like a ladder. Medium intern turns regnum again and a mist descends like lightning. Footnotes take a breath to notify the leader; a mission feat of turbulent whimper. Accosting an accordion of snake –like distance, the protuberance utters a henceforth and shall-we-meet-again. Pages walk the talk, long and unravenable, glossy and tinsel technique. Mighty fine usher of deity to the frank ground, graph and cough-like, like loops in maybe.
