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Monday, 30 November 2015


residual outgrowth of unanswered talkative and reconstructive – deliverance.
i walked upon a shallow grave without permission to do so and, the light underneath grew verbatim to an inch of that within sickness fold and lightening refusal. a typed out mistake going further as if there was reconstruction in the tone of the evening, my voice of tone – turned directly and independantly as though all was previous and therefore lost, impossible to think that one can make things easier through a relaxed effort.
                comfortable, peaceful, knitting needles and jack-offs, pulsing to the chorus flux. An intake and denial up first on the list, as the stages rock and the nights roll.
                and Sunday.
wasteful discharge of yesterdays regrets, psyche and artificial thought, disgruntled as the day lingers on.
and ashfall –
flat stick on the tolerator pedal
infectious and licked
who am i to question the die?
who are you to question?

Nicolee Ferris

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