Drop Down MenusCSS Drop Down MenuPure CSS Dropdown Menu

Monday, 25 January 2016



systematic distance reaps undeleted victims. sirloin capacity intakes bleed
where nought is correct, correlation and distraction. instant hammer recollects
a must that dreams wearily, in tampered pampering, like linguist.
a clock wise dust invests rehearsals where there remained little left
to say, test-scare and fadescape, a trip in a seam. Tapped gods
of industrial variable, knifelike in forgiveness, redirect a supple malignant
white-washed need, surreptitiously and untoward. but, descried, of
latent situation sleep emanates static isolate and circumference burn.
this is necessary, the absent too dominant and the lay-by all constant,
invigoration asunder and saw-milled. a blessed freeze in the lace-
boundaried mean, type fraction engrossed in (simile) syntax. mandatory
obligatory tears out all heart of vast, drip fed in-line happiness, subset
brightened catharsis, sliced smile of itinerant, psuedospiritus, lamented
fellowship. bear this in tepid doses, correlate an indifference
to phase in copeness, incense and tablature remote a veil of
cause and weeping.
Seeps tongue and long hard eyelash breaks,
smacks like an unopened gate, and gathers here, this listening,
this denial of all tomorrow, this reckoning. Staves of unchange blink
accomplished and in deed, of that which myrrors running from, a
stasis injuncture, and detrimental pause. the adjustment tricks like
avalanche, tangentially reflects and breeds upon itself as
decision merited, description gone and lived, hex-tomed and justification
ink-spot, a sentenced blessed fault of sacrilege birth and ignorance,
the taste left after we. mix media, redundant, achingly unbelieved
in cellscape myrror void, unconcerned. there is no rendevous, or the junction
merely decrees, just a stalagmite abrasion, whispered death and
commandeered. (in hallway copulation a gift from ear to ear; a soliloquy
masturbation; a mutilated see; remain forever at the ample of i cannot sink


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