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Friday, 4 December 2015


i think i was over yesterday’s personality conference,
 itinerant in never worlds of comely desecration. And i thought that yesterday
 would be sightly, easy, protuberant before a family clad dorm
 of recent visitors switched to the tone of the inside
of their heads, watching and waiting without a foreverever land denominee
 resplendent of all get out, and touch inbetween,
 besides we knew the thought would get mixed in, current and
 sordid and what not, lifeless with the end coming over like
a flower petal bursting in a nutshell of physical relief and psycho tacheometry
 in a grasping rekindling of what’s not, i think of roaming specials
 and gracious teases of a kind that knows how to come undone,
 but wants a forever glimpse of a timely sanction, of goodness
 and necessity and third eye blinking, i habitually stink out this joint with reliable care, and misfit economy to tide over until on air, and we gather in watch,
 this pen scribbling, as i wait for climbing attention
 into depths foreign and before and crying, withering
 where time stands stark and necessity crept into the equation regardless
  of thought, my intuition is burning before a self-made generator of V8 hum
 and we grasp our coming cunts to the sound of vagina
 raging in between light and hurt and forever and, needless,
just take me in this door of what lies outside and i’ll see if it needs to be, sighing out to all attention, the negative vice agrees, captain of that time, and in this not so much mine.
creeper, redeemer, pacifier, miner.

Nicolee Ferris

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