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Friday, 4 December 2015


I don’t think there ever was another seriousness

between the likes of the denoted, they freckled and wheedled

and souvlakied all the time. Needless to say, there was dichotomy

before the shoulder came close to revealing what was afore said

and told denounced right out of the lightning’s harp.

Redeterrent before an ashtray example of time honoured deluxe,

and the cat underneath, bringing out the pavement,

thought he could strike a bargain with any two of them,

which of course he could not.

Right out of the hammers way in near bewitched excitement

the dossier came through from heaven, and otherwise likenesses just moved

into line, beneath and almost turbulent in the midst

of a forking of what could always be.

There was dust there, and always nigh near death, sticky,

redundant, exhaling and spliced.

In between the need to be in between,

the lovers graced a pretty conundrum, harvesting as they were

in that back garden of obstetrician love and consonants.

Rehabilitating as a cause to all genuineness,

the gifted ones sorted through a relief of children,

texts, love and underneath. Understanding neither they drew

to a sword of immaculate conception,

only chaos and all high of absolute random could now hold them

in one piece. A help alert of sandwich sailing

and we saw what was there as a treat. Time and

resistance, loss and flow of signified setback, remarkable

chase of the rights at one's birth 

and slippery dips.

Nicolee Ferris
Tuesday, 29 August 2000

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