Drop Down MenusCSS Drop Down MenuPure CSS Dropdown Menu

Tuesday 10 May 2016


screens unbroken, a turbulent dispersion in infinite re-run of
possession intent, and while this went out of spoke
there was discretion listening underneath a pile of rocks; a
dispensary of forgotten what-nots, and written cold
while a mouth re-shipped the physical frozen
research of tousled sea-saw, without
listless and noise of re-invent
and discussion freedom,
a simple look at worrying diversions
and twisted re-face.
Win some and told some, laughing without a face in the dark,
and the cries will withhold a dream of some-set,
 kingdom and relief, the symptoms behold a dream of grief
and sordid wish-wash of gorilla disease
and climbing, a retake on functions
pre – sold and pre-voked – unquestioned
system lined up to see the view, while this
semi-lockhard sweetheart vibrates in victim cross and
 without outside we see divide
mis take.
reheat the sensory glide to a before that reeks of sane and
ake out the flesh that knows no discard, while
vent and sense circle in to filter, re-dement and
 screaming, a pretty dress of lipstick weeping sea chant towards
the take-off of glistening mayhem and goodbye,
without time or soiled
 in celibate.

nicolee ferris

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