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Monday 9 May 2016



withering bliss and tentlike fit
           hitchhiking the gateway
       fissionary lick
                    symptomatic of eight
                and luck sewn up again
                         drifting nightwall
in the elixir
                                  biting fragmentary change
shift bit and isolate
                meaning under
             suicide frame
         sight outcast like a treason
                            reason wonder forgetful taw
         with this little bit
                and diffident
        the psycho tries
                          out loud
      and serrated
                                 this day knack
         glance out the cleansing toy
       mimic lips of situal
                  standing climb
         without lost manifold
             and disentangent
there is cemetery to maim
       and i ate all the bi-focals
       the shimmering, the sway
disgusting curriculum vitae
meats up with scythe
to play
and time
leaps forgetfully
jumps meagre
and claims remain
for the vial of self
dressing up
to lay away

in. side.


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