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Thursday 12 May 2016



I have a light but it drops flame my semen score seems to mean tenements again. A frightened softener, cherished for the war, and gracious complication...sits there like a bore. Undented specification teams thriller with defeat, a cream crop journey broken, a meaningless complete. Insert definition, insert a such, I have been drawing people but they stopped being fun. A like on the turnside of indifference yet to come, a miserable disenchantment, a visible regret. Menstruation tops like over-load and cities breathe again, I have cerebral countenance, it changes once again, a visible termination, a measure of head strong beloved, miked up to permutation as lifeline rings again. Take this you monster on dried ground and tea-towels, the cat knocks the water prior yet you still slip on the phone, I have original tin, tasted into a bracelet, a lemniscate talking as if I was a hool-a-hoop. Promise brachologia, promise back again, a stiffness inbetween and the starts won't mend.

Doctorate. Conforming.
Dream. All efficient.
See. A bringness that becomes.
Nightime. By now I should have won.


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